Is slacktivism a valid type of activism?

Believe it or not we are all slacktivists, or atleast have been maybe once or twice in our lives. A slacktivist is a person who supports a social or political cause , by means such as online petitions or social media- which is also characterised as involving very little commitment or effort. For instance, sharing and promoting content about certain issues on different social media platforms; liking and following social media pages that support a certain cause; joining social media groups and signing online petitions. I would not say slacktivism is wrong or unacceptable, as it is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get people talking and focused on a certain cause. But does it really lead to actual change? Do you believe that joining a feminism group on Facebook is contributing significantly, and will result in great change? Being an activist is all about supporting a cause with the aim of creating a social change. It is mostly about being involved physically, and risking your l...