If society can promote patriarchy, why can't it do the same about matriarchy?

What is matriarchy? you may ask. Well I for one can tell you that I also had no idea that the term 'matriarchy' even exists. Matriarchy can be defined as a society or community, where females hold the positions of power and leadership. It is where women have the absolute authority. Society has been so wrapped up in the term 'patriarchy'  that it let people forget that the term 'matriarchy' also exists. If people are for the patriarchal system, what makes it so hard for society to accept living in a world where women are dominant.

Why is patriarchy highly favoured than matriarchy?

I believe that this goes back to the different cultural norms that teach men and women, at a very young age how they are expected to live their lives. Since the patriarchal  system is about males holding the majority power, and women being dependent on men- society including the media has decided to encourage a system that sees women as the weaker sex, reason being that many cultural and gender norms believe that it is expected for women to be reliant on men.

Society's encouragement and support towards patriarchy, tells us that the world believes it is acceptable for men to be in control- which gives them the permission to underestimate the power of women as well as define their statuses in society.

But who supports matriarchy? Why hasn't there been any conversations about women being in control and how likely it is to have 'stay at home' dads?

Matriarchy is not all about women having the upper hand, it is similar to feminism. Why can't we as society also make matriarchy a widely known term- which gives people a fair chance to choose what social and political system they prefer.


  1. Wow To be honest ... I'm hearing this term for the first time. To answer ur question, I think it not easy to start talking about matriachal system when the world we live in is still dominated by patriachal system. Maybe the conversation should be, what society do we want to live in? Do we want a society that is dominated by men or women or we just need an equal society? You right when you say we should be aware with the term but let us not focus on promoting other genders to dominate the other genders. At the end of the day we may fail to deal with that. Thanks for the imformative article ..


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